The Vibrating Extractors are normally used for unloading silos, exploiting the vibration technique to allow for continuous and smooth unloading without creating a product demixing.
Motorised units with
vibrators with an eccentric movement, of reduced power, vibrate the convex
bottom attached to the hopper with articulated connecting rods.
The outlet is covered by a curved metal sheet smaller than the extractor, which
thus forces the product to evenly move up.
They are able to extract and dose
the products stored in the Silos, even if they do not slide smoothly.
The required dosage and flowrate are carried out by acting on a module damper
that can be remotely adjusted either manually or electrically.
If products that do not fall within these features are to be processed, the vibrating extractors are designed according to the standards and regulations in force, provided with the mandatory documentation.
Upon request, they can be delivered according to